Ayyyyy!! ppls! HOW R U?? hahaha!Well i jus came back from instructor course for 5days.. N somehow i make thru all e obstacle n tests...Firstly i really like the instructor who taught us for e few days! They really nice n n n haha yaya their english is superb! Somehow i get influence by em also! hahaha...Secondly, i love Gurkha! urm they r police officers from nepal who serve their training in singapore for like atleast 27years before they can go back to their country! woooahs! sad thing for em isn't it? hahaha! seriously e are freak ppl who are daring out there! Wouldnt care much for their life.. hahaha!They jus climb to high tower without any safety or even ladder! woahs!Jump ard like crazy althought the tower quite high! hahaha! they were jus cool man!Not only dat! i love thier body man! hahaha! DAMN DAMN FIT! lols n thier chest like toots!..Ouhs! i still remember the first time i saw em, they were damn fierce la! hahahaWouldnt smile even if i jus smile at em! hahaThen out of 5 or 6, eventually 2 went in e same group wit me... I was like CRAP!!!! SHITTTT!!! DAMMMNNN!!! hahaha!
How to work wit em man!?! they are fierce ppl! lols...
Erm one of em is CHIEF PT INSTRUCTOR! woahs!
But as e day goes by, i tried to be closer n frenly to em.....
n yeah! i managed to break thru e glass! nyahahaha!
They always disturb me! n distract me whenever i concentrating with wat i doing! wth! hahaha
Well they are kind ppls unlike singaporean!too bad! haha! they r not lazy n greedy ppls.. lols..
Thus they offer me ciggerate but i refuse to take because e ciggerate like damn strong type from nepal! hahaha! den noe wat? they also offer me to eat DEER meat! hahah! ouuuuhhhkaaaaay! seeing quite nice la hehs! hahaha!
N finally i very close to one of the those GURKHA! hahah e CHIEF PT! hahaha!
Now i really miss em really lots uhq e fun days we had! haix! =(.. IF ONLY I COULD BECOME FITTEST LIKE EM.......... HAHAHA =X
As for my other team mates.. I get to learn their cultural, share our experience n share their ns life.. Cool Man! hahaha So they were from civil defence n got posted to become as a FI for NCDCC....
Erm well one of my team mates, shahir, the sad thing dat happen to him is he got fined $300 for throwing e ciggerate anyhow at kranji.. n got caught before e day we book in back to campsite..
So e next day after we book in, he was damn still pissing off n couldnt concentrate of wat he doing.. sobs! =X! hahaha but still he is a FREAK JOKER LARHs! hahaha!
ok larhs! its endless if i want to talk more abt e course.. hahaha! so yarhs!
ouhya! I also snap some pix! haha ok goooo peeeps!
Armit, Puul
Instructor Micheal , n Apul
My close Gurkha Buddy!!!!!!
DY henry, Chem, Apul